Spaces for the feminine heart.

What if we, as a collective, remember our feminine gifts that have been forgotten? Inhabiting our bodies fully. Trusting and allowing our intuition to guide us. Creating a balance between the masculine and feminine within us. Coming back to our power of being born into a female body and living in sync with its cyclic nature. 

As women, we are cyclic beings which is sometimes forgotten in the world we live in. As nature moves through seasons, so do we. I believe that once we connect to our body and its different phases and needs, we can access its true power and wisdom and return to a balanced state.


Nourished through sisterhood

What I’ve observed regularly between women around me, was lots of competition. Women who have fought hard for equality and success and with that the fear of losing it again. Leading to more separation and a doing-it-alone mentality.

If we come together in circle and share openly our stories, experiences, fears, and joys, we have the opportunity to create new experiences. It’s a safe space to explore and practice and create a new reality where our body experiences safety and nourishment. Nourishment through support, through being held, seen, and heard. It’s These circles are a place where we connect to our hearts and reveal what’s underneath our mask. An opportunity to witness that we share similar stories and experiences and how it feels to be lovingly held while showing our most vulnerable selves.

A slow return to our softness, acceptance, and kindness.

Check here for upcoming offerings

  • We all carry both, masculine and feminine, energies within us. In our current state of the world, the qualities of the feminine have not been supported equally to the masculine. Leading to many humans being disconnected from their bodies and conditioned in a way that doesn't give room to the intuitive. Together we explore the depths of the feminine and allow each other to be. There will always be specific themes and practices that nurture us such as meditative journeys, authentic relating, grounding exercises, sound, and art.

  • Living in a female body influences our experience on this earth in how we perceive life and the way we have been conditioned. Coming together in this setup is not intended to create more separation but to find ways to feel safe again in expressing the way we are. Connecting to our bodies and gifts while being held by a community of women who share similar experiences, empowering and encouraging each other. It is from this authentic place that we can share our truth with the world and follow our nature.


Private Women’s Circle

A circle tailored to your personal intention in the presence of the women close to you.

A space to honor those moments that are touching your heart.

Sitting in circle with close friends allows to meet each other more deeply.

Reach out to explore possibilities.