Conscious Connected Breathwork

Conscious Connected Breathwork is an ancient breathing technique that opens the door for emotional release, transformation, and spiritual exploration. Previous experiences, belief systems, stress, anxieties, and layers of protection move us further away from our essence. Breathwork can lead you to insight and healing by moving through blockages that are being held in the body and mind.

Through breathing in a deep and connected way our brain wave patterns change and we move into a trance state of non-ordinary states of consciousness. In that state, our nervous system calms down and allows you to shed layers, gain insights, transform belief systems, and leave you with a feeling of spaciousness, freedom, and connection to yourself.

A very empowering way of meeting yourself and changing the way you experience life.

More details

  • 1:1 sessions are 90mins long. We start with a conversation where you share your intention. The breathwork itself takes 60 minutes. We end with a sharing for integration.

  • The price of a session depends on the topic you want to work on, its length, and total number of sessions. Please reach out to discuss details in advance.

  • In case of pregnancy, high blood pressure, fresh injuries, or psychosis, Conscious Connected Breathwork should not be practiced.