Wild truth.

Wildspaces is a place to return to your intuitive wisdom.

What if life would feel effortless? If you would feel from the inside what is right for you. If you would feel that you are right where you belong.

We all have these wild parts within us. Hidden places that lie dormant and are yet uncovered. Parts within us that we feel disconnected from and yearn to be explored. Spaces that hold parts of our truth, power, and wisdom. Our natural self in its rawest form which has the power to guide us.

Together, we can explore your inner parts, and release and transform blockages on the way to living a life that feels aligned with who you truly are. Finding the beauty in your untouched places will let you land deeper within yourself.

Reconnect to your wild spaces.


Transformation and manifestation.


Connection to the hearth and the earth.


Release, vision, clarity, and realignment.

Pure Ceremonial Cacao

A heart-opening plant that lets you vibrate in the frequency of love.

Wildcrafted Ceremonial Cacao (Pre-order)
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Wildcrafted Ceremonial Cacao (Pre-order)
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  • „Working with Jil in her cacao & hypnosis session was truly transformational. It was my first experience with hypnosis, and I was amazed by the process I went through, and how deep I was able to dive into my subconscious. The experience was particularly poignant given my current stage of life (about to become a parent), and it provided a great deal of support around my relationship with my mother. Jil creates an incredibly safe space, which allows for necessary and healing processes to take place. I am deeply grateful for the experience, and for Jil holding space for me.“ - Claire

    Cacao & Hypnosis

  • „I felt so clear after the Breathwork session with Jil. As if everything my head already knew had now arrived in my body. As if I had gained direct access to my intuition. With her warm, welcoming energy, Jil creates a space full of trust and security. This made it easy for me to let go and use the power of breathing to access unconscious, limiting beliefs and blockages. Jil starts the session by setting intentions together and ends it by giving space for questions, which also helped me a lot to feel safe and held. Apart from that, she encouraged me to trust my own body completely and let everything that is there come up. So wonderful and powerful!“ - Luise


  • „Ich habe meine erste live Breathwork Session mit der wundervollen Jil in den einzigartigen Räumlichkeiten von "yoga on the move" erfahren, was für mich eine tiefgreifende Transformation in Gang gebracht hat. Jil konnte mir meine anfänglichen Zweifel, Ängste und Unsicherheiten bzgl der körperlichen Herausforderung liebevoll nehmen, indem sie mir klar und verständlich erklärte, was auf mich zukommt und was die benefits sind. Das Erreichen einer höheren Bewusstseinsebene, ganz bei mir sein zu können, war das, was mich antrieb. Jil hat mich während der 60 Minuten sicher, geführt und gehalten fühlen lassen. Ihre unterstützenden Impulse kamen genau zur richtigen Zeit. Ich kann die Erfahrung als eine Art Neugeburt meinerseits beschreiben, in der ich durch viele Schichten hindurch geatmet habe, um in meinem innersten Kern, meiner reinen Essenz der Liebe, anzukommen. Dieses Bewusstsein der puren Selbstliebe ist nun real, im Körper, und unumstößlicher Teil meiner heutigen Realität geworden. Danach richte ich seitdem kraftvolle, neue Entscheidungen zu meinem besten aus. Ich kann Jil von ganzem Herzen empfehlen und wünsche jedem/jeder, dies einmal erleben zu dürfen. Ich werde sicherlich wieder kommen.“
